I cant deny that one of the first things that attracted me to Norwegian band ‘Green Sky Accident’ was the name. Its not a particularly brilliant name in comparison to the likes of ‘Pictures of Florence Henderson’ or ‘Koria Kitten Riot’. However from a undeniably selfish perspective, it does makes it really easy to find out more on a new band when they have such a distinctive name that’s so easy to Google –I’ve spent many a frustrating hour tracking down more info on bands such as ‘The Fjords’ for example (although you should keep trying, because they’re great).
Not that Green Sky Accident are new, but I don’t think they’ve had much attention over here in the UK yet, which is a shame. Their latest album ‘Fever Dreams’ is an interesting blaze of indie noise and with apparently some great indie influences (Sonic Youth, My Bloody Valentine) I think the sound would appeal to a UK audience that likes their guitar based indie bands.
‘Fever Dreams’ opens with ‘Sundrench’ and it’s a good start to the album. The band have an intense relentless guitar sound, but above it there’s always a distinct melody, which makes the album in general pretty easy to get to grips with. ‘Daydriver’ is a great example of this, nothing beats a good tune, and Green Sky Accident have plenty of them to throw at us. ‘Night on Earth’ even reminds me of Irish indie Frank and Walters, with its plaintive vocals, albeit with much bigger guitars.
A couple of the later songs on the album are particularly strong. The highlight is undoubtedly ‘Blow’, it has an unyielding energy, a high tempo and I love the guitars and vocals. We don’t really do Playlists, but it would go straight on to ours as a favourite if we did. And the Album concludes with ‘Last Glimpse’, which has a different sound to it, a great bass line, an introspective slightly melancholy chorus and a huge crescendo to the end of the track, it’s a pretty fine album ending.
It would be fair to say that ‘Fever Dreams’ doesn’t deliver 10 outstanding tracks by any means, occasionally the vocals and harmonies get a bit lost, and I’d suggest that the title track ‘Fever Dreams’ is the weakest on the album. But this is a true album, 10 songs from a band with an identity and a purpose. I’ve really enjoyed listening to it over the last week or so, and Green Sky Accident are firmly on my list of melodic Noise Pop bands that are increasingly dominating my music collection.
Nordic Music Review 7/10
‘Fever Dreams’ by Green Sky Accident is released through Interregnum records. Its easily available in the UK as a download through Itunes.