We’ve covered Siv Jakobsen a few times since we started the website, I always remember the first time I listened to her music, she has this spellbinding voice and is one of these artists who can utterly transform herself whilst performing, and captivate those around her. Since we originally featured her shes been played on 6 Music - and been featured in a number of far more esteemed music websites than ourselves (or…. other websites as they’re known…), which has been great to see. Her music is so personal, intimate sounding and we’ve loved all of her releases – her ‘The Lingering’ EP featured in our 2015 EP of the year list.
So its great that she’s back over in the UK, and the even better news is that she’s bringing a guest, with Einar Stray playing keyboards and on some dates we will get an Einar Stray Orchestra (solo) support slot. The Einar Stray Orchestra are another band we really like, we loved in particular their album ‘Politricks’, it is such a beautifully written and complex album, and we've always wanted to see the music performed live.
After Siv has done her own dates (some with Jo Rose), she heads off again to play some really good bigger venues, this time supporting the excellent Damien Jurado, but the variety of support acts and venues will get confusing, so best just check her website and tour poster for more details… and if you want to see Einar Stray check their website for details of which nights he’s doing a solo support act.
Full Siv Jakobsen ticket details can be found at: http://www.sivmusic.com/tour/
For Einar Stray Orchestra (solo) details visit: http://www.einarstrayorchestra.com/#!tour-dates/c2045