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  • Writer's pictureAndy Wors

Over the Trees - 'From the Sidewalk' single

We've been hugely remiss in not covering Norwegian band 'Over The Trees' previously, as we have had them on our new music playlist for sometime now, but we're pleased to correct that with details of a (fairly) new single 'From the Sidewalk' ahead of an album which is due sometime soon. 'Over The Trees' are an Oslo based quintet, and their music is expansive but fairly mellow Indie Rock, and the fact that they have received extensive coverage in numerous music blogs over the last few months is a demonstration of the positive impact of their music.

The first thing to stand out about 'Over the Trees' are the plaintive and emotional vocals of songwriter Eivind Frustøl, and 'From the Sidewalk' is a great demonstration of these, backed by instrumentation which is probably best described as Post Folk Rock, if such a thing exists. The melody is delicate, and the track shifts between phases across its full 6 minutes. It is beautifully constructed music, and I think the style should suit a long play album really well, as it will give its listeners time to completely immerse themselves in the music.

Listen to 'From the Sidewalk' here:

I'm really looking forward to the 'Over the Trees' album when it reaches us, hopefully in the next few months, and for those of you in Norway look out for live gigs in the Spring and the Summer. They played at By:larm last year and even managed a gig at John Dee in August with 2 of our favourite Norwegian artists, Siv Jakobsen and The Hallway.

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