I'm not convinced too many people read every word of our long detailed reviews, so we'll do our best to keep our 'Caper Clowns' waffling relatively short and sweet. Instead we'll simply point you all in the direction of the curiously named 'A Salty Taste To The Lake' before heading off for a cup of finest British tea (even if we're far more European right now), content in the knowledge that we've recommended an Album that will keep you entertained to the end of the year.
OK maybe a little more detail. So 'Caper Clowns' are from Denmark and they've been around since 2010, releasing an album entitled 'The Buca Bus' in 2016, getting some pretty good admiration from across the world and even resulting in 2 gigs at the International Pop Overthrow held at Liverpool's Cavern Club. They released 2 singles in advance of the album release in October, 'The Way I Dream' and 'Sacre Bleu' and they've had pretty extensive radio play back in Denmark - understandable given this is very listenable indie power pop, packed full of tunes that will bounce around your head all day - whether you like it or not...
There are so many highlights, as this is an album which has strength in depth rather than being reliant on a couple of hit singles, but I'll mention just a few. It all opens with 'The Way I Dream', which has a lovely 'Jellyfish' feel, whilst the marginally heavier 'Lifeline' has a slightly darker opening before releasing into another big 'Caper Clown' chorus - and that's pretty much what you're going to get from this band, each song is packed full of infectious melodies. 'Second to None' bounces along at a quite ridiculous pace, whilst 'Sacre Bleu' (no, not 'suck our blood' as I first thought) is an obvious choice for a single, outrageously upbeat and cheery. However the quite lovely 'Paper Trail' is the highlight for me, maybe it reminds me of favourite bands such as 'Jackdaw 4' (and again 'Jellyfish'), but it has rich, clever instrumentation and more tunes in one song than I should rightfully expect in a complete album.
If you like your music with a healthy dose of grunge, or deep melancholy lyrics that will set the gauge on our 'Mirel Wagner Scale of Bleakness' machine rocketing (the now patented contraption we use to measure misery and despair in songwriting), well to be clear 'Caper Clowns' are definitely not for you. 'A Salty Taste to the Lake' is simply delicious indie power pop, and yes it might feel like a guilty pleasure at times, but who cares, because this is a band who write the most natural sounding pop tunes, and everybody needs a dose of 'Caper Clowns' to keep the darkness at bay.