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Agent Blå 🇸🇪 - 'Discount' (Single)

Similarly to Nordic Music Review, Swedish indie band Agent Blå will reach their 10 year anniversary this year, which is somewhat of an achievement and demonstrates that they clearly love what they're doing. I'll avoid describing them as 'veterans' just yet, especially given they're just on the verge of releasing their 2nd full length album 'Stab', which is to be released on April 12th through the always reliable VÅRØ Records.

Ahead of that they've released 'Discount', a dark intense track that benefits from a solid instrumental backdrop, as you'd probably expect from an indie band with six musicians. Vocalist Emelie Alatalo offers a soaring emotive melodic vocal, whilst lyrically the track has a dark theme too, the band tell us it's "about finding familiarity in having something haunting you. Befriending the void as a necessity."

I really like this, I hope the album manages to maintain the same level of intensity. Apparently it was recorded in 'extremely spartan conditions' at Studio Bella Figura, Gothenburg, which helped shape the recording. Nothing like a bit of hunger and frostbite to sharpen the senses.

The album “Stab!” will be released April 12 on Kanine Records (USA) and VÅRØ Records (Sweden).

Find them on Instagram and Twitter.

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