I can’t deny that I‘ve found the Highasakite album a little hard work over the last few days, and I’ve been really looking forward far more to Faroese / Danish artist Brimheim‘s debut release, a songwriter I’ve admired ever since I heard her track ‘Kafka’ back in 2020.
The album is entitled ‘can’t hate myself into a different shape’, and the straightforward title is matched by equally simple but descriptive song titles, including ‘heaven help me i‘ve gone crazy’, ‘favourite day of the week’ and ‘this weeks laundry’ (even if they’re not always about those things), and all reminding me of course of my favourite ever no nonsense song title courtesy of Death Grips: “You Might Think He Loves You for Your Money but I Know What he Really Loves You For It’s Your Brand New Leopard Skin Pillbox Hat”.
And that’s the main point that I really want to make about this album, there is such a stark honesty to her songs, yet crucially with such a genuine natural warmth that will draw you to her, as she discusses her insecurities along with life, love, and the mundane and simple aspects of daily existence. Here’s a great example from ‘this weeks laundry’.
“I am getting a new bag of frozen beans cause that's a good way to sneak some greens Into a meal, although fresh would be ideal / I lost ten pounds counting calories, Skipping lunch in sеcrecy, So that later I could have anothеr beer with you”
Just brilliant right? I just love the lyrics throughout.
But the secondary point is that the music is just so listenable, engaging and full of interesting melodies, straight from opening song ‘heaven help me I’ve gone crazy’. ‘Baleen feeder’ has a belting anthemic chorus, which contrasts with the insecurity of the words, whilst ‘hey amanda’ (one of my favourites) and ‘this weeks laundry’ just have great catchy choruses at the heart of the songs. Only in concluding track ‘hurting me for fun’ does she really make things intense and uncomfortable, and that matches the darkness of the lyrics.
As I think I've suggested previously, if there’s one ‘new’ Nordic artist I could see on a decent sized Glastonbury stage playing to an audience singing along to every song, it’s Brimheim, because she has the songs, the presence and that natural ability to connect through her words and music. To release such a sophisticated and complex debut album is an incredible achievement too, and I can sense the pride from Brimheim, judging from her Facebook page where she thanks a vast selection of musicians, friends and supporters, including (quite rightly) her Mum. Great work Team Brimheim.
Can’t deny though I’m confused with the order of tracks / song titles on Spotify (at least in the UK), which almost seem as if 2 songs have been mixed up. Is it just me?