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  • Writer's pictureAndy Wors

Communions - 'Splendour' (single)

We have a huge range of releases today, and we’ll introduce some new artists along the way, but it’s been a good while since we featured Danish indie band Communions, and they’ve just returned this morning with a new track entitled ‘Splendour’ – their 1st release since their early 2019 EP entitled ‘Flesh and Gore, Dream and Vapor’.

That may have sounded like a goth rock release, but it wasn’t as Communions actually have an attractive, easy listening indie guitar style, somewhere between 90s indie and post punk.

We first wrote about them early in 2015, the highlight at the time being the outstanding ‘Out of This World’. They were a 4 piece band at that stage, but they’re now based around brothers Mads & Martin Rehof, who originally formed the band in high school, although it looks like they’ll be rebuilding the band as a 5 piece.

Based on their youthful looking press photo, it looks like they could still be at high school.

In a further development Communions have teamed up with Copenhagen record label Tambourhinoceros, who always seem pretty marvellous to me, so that seems good, and it looks like a new full length release will be out in Spring 2021. It’ll clearly be the greatest spring ever, with sunshine, gigs, free flowing beer and hopefully not a mask in sight.

It’s interesting how the vocals have developed since their early releases, for the better I think too. ‘Splendour’ is an unusual track some ways, it still has hints of that early characteristic Communions sound, and I particularly like the distorted instrumental section, but the structure of the song is a little unconventional maybe. It comes together in a big anthemic chorus anyway.

It's certainly good to have them back, even if 'Splendour' is not my favourite Communions song and I’m interested in the slight change of direction, which we’re promised takes the “dark clubs of their youth and merges it with full-fleshed cerebral critique and symbolism''. Wow, now that definitely does sound like they'll be doing a goth rock release.

Find them on Facebook. And Instagram.


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