A long overdue update to the playlist features about 40 tracks from the last few weeks opening with JEZ_EBEL, Klara Keller, Empress Mayo, Sonic Loland and Single of the Week he is tall..
I’m looking forward to getting to Albums and EP’s from Harry Eucrow, Armadillo King, JJonas, Team Play, Green Sky Accident, Vero and probably a few more, whilst it’s a very warm welcome to newer artists to Nordic Music Review, such as Icelandic artist The Sweet Parade, Ask, Erika Nomena, one man Danish indie project About Yesterday (Album due later this year), young Finnish songwriter Miika Unkila, Anaïs, Swedish artist Ensamlandet (his EP is due this Friday), superserious, the mysterious part Swedish trio Vittring and an unusual track from Lovers of All Kinds - which features Jaako Eino Kalevi.
It’s a warm welcome back for I See Rivers, Misty Coast, Siv Jakobsen, In Deed, Ari Árelíus, llawgne, Beverly Kills, Varamon, In Deed, the excellent Danafae, ViVii, Tim Schou, William Torp, Lón, Myrkvi, as well as tracks from Little Winter, Tear Them Down, JOYLESS, Dusty Miller, Giant Mammoth, Aldís Fjóla, Ann Weburg, Weeping Willows and Ouija Chords.
Apologies for any autocorrect errors….
Hopefully at least 5 more Album and EP reviews this week, including Lake Huttula, Green Sky Accident, Ghosts on TV and more...