We last wrote about Swedish duo Pale Honey in February this year when they released their single ‘Treat You Good’, but we’ve been featuring them way back to 2015 when they released their debut album, also entitled ‘Pale Honey’. They’re now back with a new single entitled ‘Killer Scene’.
Musically they always deliver consistent raw alternative indie rock songs, but there’s always an interesting story to their releases, in this case with it being inspired by the ‘’The Groke from Moomin, and a tale of misfortune that could be paired with any quality of bottled wine and a bloody Quentin Tarantino movie of your choice’’.
They’re a really clever songwriting duo, who have this impressive ability to write intimate, powerful tracks like ‘The Heaviest of Storms’ (from their album ‘Devotion’), but ‘Killer Scene’ has an energy and pace to it, as well as being slightly unnerving too – just check out the intro, as well as the lyrics.
Of course, ‘Pale Honey’ are able to provide a far better insight into the lyric writing process, as Nelly from the band explains. ‘’I refused to believe in the song until the mad rows of the text about a killer came about. In my head working on the artwork was like putting the angel of death together with my cozy big white sweater and an undead from WoW.’’
It is really impressive artwork, in that distinct Pale Honey style, but I’m sure you’ll like the song too: