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Single of the Week: Kári (Iceland) - ‘Something Better’

I haven't featured a Single of the Week for a while, and delighted to correct that with another new name to these pages, Icelandic songwriter Kári. His debut track 'Something Better' was released last week, and it's a sophisticated, timeless song which would bring a warm glow to your freezing living rooms, if only if it didn't contain slightly melancholic lyrics.

Now there's nothing worse than music websites / magazines building up musicians before they've barely sat down in a studio, but Kári does have some pedigree, a jazz, classical and pop musician, the latest Nordic artist who's been studying at Berklee College of Music in Boston. He's only 20, yet already has a distribution deal landed with Öldu Music and currently working with esteemed Icelandic music producer and musician Albert Finnbogason - and one day as a special treat I'll tell you my 'amusing' anecdote involving Albert Finnbogason and a Mexican jewellery salesman.

Thankfully for you all his single is far more interesting, as 'Something Better' is beautifully written, with a gorgeous melody, clever well judged instrumental support and interesting lyrics - 'if we never break the cycle, how we can be truly free', muses Kári. I really like this song.

His debut album is apparently on the way too, so I'm really looking forward to hearing it, and apparently he has a jazz album to be released for next year (according to the excellent Albumm), which by my reckoning means his 1st Symphony should be ready for release in 2024. Post millennials huh?

Find him on Facebook and Instagram.

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