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  • Writer's pictureAndy Wors

5 To Watch from Norway - No 4 'HIDE'

We’ve been meaning to write about ‘Hide’ for a few weeks. From the North of Norway in Narvik they list their influences as bands such as Sigur Ros and Mogwai, both bands that we obviously all love here at Nordic Music Review. and it was their recent song ‘Northern Skyline’ that captured our attention in particular. It’s a pre-album single from their album ‘Light up the Sky’ which is due in the summer, and which I’m already really looking forward to.

Their music is distinctly post-rock, but its also accessible. ‘Northern Skyline’ has a big instrumental opening, but the chorus is catchy and the track has some great contrasting shades of darkness and light. Their music portays the relationship between Nature and Industry, and after reading up on the beautiful city of Narvik, i think i understand why.

Their video which you can see below is pretty good too, with a real identity and some clever ideas..

Their previous EP ‘With our Own Eyes, We Can all See’ is still available on Spotify and we will definitely be reviewing the album when it comes out, its already firmly in our diaries. To find out more about Hide visit their facebook page.

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