Back in the olden days the release of one of your favourite bands new single or album was a really big thing. Reading about it first in NME or Melody Maker and then heading out on the bus (or in my case a boat and sometimes even a tractor...) on a Saturday morning to physically buy the vinyl, tape or CD was hugely rewarding. And whilst logging on through WIFI and buying on Itunes will never create the same feeling, rejoice my friends, because THE NEW MAJOR PARKINSON SINGLE IS HERE and this is the most exciting release of the year - no dissenting or debate is allowed on this point.
So ahead of their 4th Album, Major Parkinson, our favourite Norwegian Progressive Disco Pop Cabaret band have returned with 'Madeleine Crumbles', and the extra excitement is caused by the new line-up which includes a Violin, and Band photos that look not too dissimilar to the final line-up of 'the greatest band of all time'.
'Madeleine Crumbles' is a mesmerizing and softly hypnotic orchestral / marimba led dance, with beautiful vocals provided by Linn Frøkedal (The Megaphonic Thrift) and poetic lyrics. The band suggest this can be viewed more as a one-off single, so I'd suggest that the album won't necessarily be in a similar style. Anyway it takes a few listens to get under your skin, but what is particularly exciting is the scale and size of the arrangements, the instrumental led sections with added French Horn, Saxophone and Cello are the real highlight.
The only bad news is that the new album isn't due until April 2017. But given that every time I listen to Twilight Cinema I still hear things I've never noticed before, we can be patent and continue to enjoy the previous releases. And visit their Bandcamp page to buy their Vinyl releases and T-Shirts....