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  • Writer's pictureAndy Wors

Introducing... Sanna Hansson & The Swatchmen with single 'Humbug'

We're somewhat optimistically going to try and introduce you to 10 new Nordic bands and Artists between now and Saturday, covering a huge range of styles too. We don't expect you to like all of them, but we guarantee you'll like at least one, or we'll give you a full refund on your subscriptions...

Of course, some of the artists will already be known to readers in the Nordic countries, but they'll all be new to us here, and we'll start off with a hugely entertaining release by 'Sanna Hansson & The Swatchmen', with their single 'Humbug'.

So 'Sanna Hansson & The Swatchmen are Swedish, were originally formed after Hansson moved home from the UK in 2015, and since then have played dozens of gigs in Sweden, as well as in London. They released their debut EP early this year entitled 'Bye Bye Strawberry Pie', 5 tracks packed full of catchy tunes, and we recommend you track it down on streaming services. 'Humbug' is another track in a similar style, a swaggering track with cleverly written instrumentation and an inventive piano line. There's more than a hint of Katzenjammer in their style of music, and this of course makes their music really easy to like on first listen.

This is 'Humbug':

Of course, we positively insist that they return to the UK (well, Manchester specifically...) sometime so we can see their live shows for ourselves, in the meantime we hope you'll like 'Humbug', as well as that EP from earlier this year that we mentioned.

Photo: Johan Rastenberger

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