We just have time to quickly drop in one more artist new to Nordic Music Review, this time from Sweden. 'Guggi Data' is Gustav Data Andersson, guitarist from the band Makthaverksan, and in June he released his debut solo track 'Baby', a whirlwind noise pop song, which understandably received widespread good reviews from those that covered it.
His follow up single is entitled 'All There Is', which is released today, and whilst it's still straight in the centre of the indie rock genre, the track does have more subtleties, with string effects adding to the instrumentation. The track can be found paired with another new song 'Au Pair', which is pretty good too.
Given that we haven't featured 'Guggi Data' before, maybe start off with listening to his debut track from last month, which is our favourite of the 2 tracks. This is 'Baby':
An album entitled 'Pop/Rock', was recorded at Svenska Grammofonstudion by Hans Olsson Brookes, and will be released on August 18th.