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  • Writer's pictureAndy Wors

Introducing... Camilo Beltran with new track 'You and I'

It's been at least a week since we featured anyone located in Bergen, probably the city from which we feature most bands and artists - most recently Kalifornia, Stine Norse, reSouza and we won't even mention the name of our 2017 Album of the Year winners again, because they get way too much coverage on our pages. And in 'Camilo Beltran' we can introduce you to an artist who is in many ways different from the other Bergen artists we've featured, with a softness to the vocals and a wisdom in his lyrics that appears to make him the 'wise old owl' of singer songwriters. Except that he looks pretty young, but you get the point.

Anyway Camilo Beltran is part Chilean and part Norwegian, and although we are 'Introducing' him, he actually released his 1st EP some time back ('We Were Awakened'), and is now in the process of releasing songs from his 2nd ('We Are Dreaming') - part of a trilogy which will be completed with his 'We Will Sleep' EP. And we do recommend you go back and listen to his 1st EP, which is available on streaming services, and has some lovely tracks on it, complemented with well written instrumentation and a particularly lovely cello part.

His latest track is 'You and I', and it is opens with sumptuous flowing acoustic guitar, before vocals are added, and the soft and slightly clipped vocals remind me of Sufjan Stevens, but it's the lyrics which particularly appeal to me - because whilst we might think the world has been taken over by demons, actually there's so many lovely good people out there, and 'You and I, We are the Sun'. It's a pretty simple concept, but I like his perspective on the world, and it's a really well constructed, thoughtful and positive track both in the music and the words.

This is 'You and I':

This was a track which was released just last week, but we also recommend checking out another of his recent releases 'Whispers', where he really creates a beautiful atmosphere. Anyway check him out in the following locations, and we look forward to listening to his next EP.

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