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  • Writer's pictureAndy Wors

Introducing... 'LUCHS' and 'Her Eyes the Stars'

We have 2 classically influenced compositions / tracks to offer you today and both are from artists that we've not featured before. We're starting off in Sweden with LUCHS, and behind this name is the musician (and actor) Patrik Berg Almkvisth, who has just released a live video performance of his track 'Her Eyes The Stars', which was first released last year.

Almkvisth was brought up in a very musical family and one of his earliest memories is falling asleep under the grand piano in the church that his father played. He went on to study at Stockholm Royal College of Music before pursuing acting, something he seems to have been pretty successful at given he has voiced over parts for Disney and Netflix amongst others.

I like 'Her Eyes The Stars' firstly because of its simplicity, a lullaby with a playful but also delicate melody, and it is that melody which carries the track forward, with subtle changes in tempo and some nice touches that links different phases of the piece. But maybe the reason that this appeals to me more than anything else is that I am left wondering about the music and the theme behind it, because it does tell a story - is it a bedtime story touching on childhood innocence, or is it a more romantic notion? Either way it touches a nerve.

I like the sound and the video too. Hey I guess it's 'just' a piano, but I think it works pretty well. This is 'Her Eyes The Stars':

You can find out more about 'LUCHS' in the following places:

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