I was going to post about 'Ianick' yesterday (well actually it should have been 2 weeks ago...), but with the features on Rosa and Simon Lynge I didn't want it to get lost. Because his track 'A Hymn for the Faithless' just has so much depth and so beautiful detail, it somehow just deserves it's own special place somewhere - in fact I'm not sure I've quite ever heard anything like it.
We need to introduce 'Ianick' as we haven't written about him before, a Norwegian electronic musician / producer / composer with a background of real success as a producer on the house music scene, with a list of projects and collaborations to numerous to mention on here. His new track 'A Hymn for the Faithless' has been released in 2 versions, and actually it's the extended version that appeals the most. Interestingly also the track features none other than Inge Bremnes on vocals, whom we first wrote about way back in 2014 whilst he was studying at Liverpool Institute of Performing Arts - and it's good to see that he's doing really well, please go and see him on one of his autumn dates if you live in Norway.
'A Hymn for the Faithless' is certainly very different from other Ianick releases that I've heard, with the extended mix having a classically influenced backdrop. Written about someone that had a huge impact on his life, but went away after struggling with illness for years, the lyrics are thoughtfully conceived and worthy of a careful listen. Musically I love this from the very start, with hints of Sigur Ros in the first few seconds, before haunting vocals are introduced, and a lush sweep of strings are added. But it's the way the orchestral and electronic sounds intertwine that I think is so clever, creating a texture that I haven't quite heard before, and the track slowly builds and swells to a powerful conclusion. Inge Bremnes vocals suit the track perfectly too, the whole project is simply well conceived, composed and produced.
Both version of 'A Hymn for the Faithless' can be found here, but I definitely recommend the extended version:
So this leaves me slightly intrigued about whether Ianick will write further tracks in a similar style, and I certainly hope that he does, even if it may not quite have the commercial appeal of his core work. For more information on all his historic releases you can find him below:
And don't forget 'old favourite' Inge Bremnes: https://www.facebook.com/ibremnes/