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  • Writer's pictureAndy Wors

Sunday Non Nordic Indie - 'Jordan Jane' with track 'Follow the Cliff Face North'

So Ok it's Monday, but I didn't quite have time to press the big blue 'Publish' button yesterday on this, so we'll sneak in a Non Nordic Indie track this morning before we head back to Scandinavia for 2 more releases. 'Jordan Jane' is from Cornwall, which for our mostly Nordic readership is possibly the most beautiful county in the UK, and a place I particularly love given I've made so many so many trips over the border from neighbouring Devon where I grew up.

'Jordan Jane' is understandably proud of his Cornish heritage, and he actually comes from Falmouth, the surrounding areas of which are particularly idyllic - the Southern coast has a an amazing natural and mostly unspoilt beauty. It's not always easy for mostly rural areas to maintain thriving music scenes, but if there's one place in Cornwall that does it's Falmouth, partly due to the University. It was here that Ben Howard studied, for example, and I've always quoted that one of my favourite Indie bands 'Thirteen Senses' came from Falmouth - although fact checking tonight, they actually come from Penzance a few miles down the road.

Anyway I wanted to feature 'Jordan Jane', because I do see some similarities with some younger Nordic folk musicians that send us submissions. He has a 'traditional' style, where the atmosphere he creates and the stories he tells are central to his music making. His track 'Follow the Cliff Face North' is a really good example, complex acoustic finger picking that carries the track along and there is a real intensity in both the guitar playing and the lyrical delivery. And you will find yourself hanging on to every word he says, with words painting beautiful images of the raw Cornish landscape.

This is 'Follow the Cliff Face North':

Also check out this live performance of 'I'll be There', Live at the Rockpool. I think the quality of his vocals really shine through here.

We're delighted to be able to give coverage of a young Cornish artist such as Jordan Jane. Yes Cornwall might insist on producing cream teas 'upside down' and have allegedly 'stolen' the original pasty recipes from Devon a few hundreds years ago (not something even I quite believe obviously...), but they clearly produce interesting music as well as living in the most incredible part of the world.

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