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  • Writer's pictureAndy Wors

Introducing...'Murky Munroe' with track 'The Drought'

It's turning out to be a 'bumper' day of features to celebrate our 5 years of existence, and there's more than a hint of familiarity in the names we're featuring - most notably 'Ceasetone' and 'YOHIO'. And whilst we've never directly written about 'Murky Munroe', the name behind the moniker is more familiar, as it's the brainchild of Mazdak Khosravi, the Danish / Iranian musician that we featured as part of the 'Black Dog Howl' duo we loved writing about, and still love listening to now. Sadly that band have broken up, but Khosravi continues with this new project, and of course there's his ever distinctive voice for us to still listen to.

His debut track is entitled 'The Drought', and as he explains himself ''the song is really put on Earth to bring comfort to those who have to live with... rejection and the feeling of being abandoned”, and there is no doubt that this song does register moderately high on our trademarked 'Mirel Wagner Scale of Bleakness' - the richter style tool we use at Nordic Music Review to measure the level of of misery and despair in songwriting. Having said that, theres always a glint of hope in his deep voice, and the melodic aspirations of the song are such that it doesn't feel too downbeat - it has an appealing rhythmic lilt too which swings the song along.

We look forward to hearing more releases from 'Murky Munroe', and it's never too late to check out those releases from the excellent 'Black Dog Howl' too. Visit him on Facebook.

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