So we're half way through January and we've already got a huge backlog, and there's some pretty good stuff to write about, starting with another band who've been around for a while, but we've yet to feature in NMR. 'Damen' are a 4 piece indie band from Gothenburg, named after a defunct harbour in the city, who started a band simply because they felt the indie scene in the city was getting a bit sterile and not playing the music that they wanted to hear. Already they've recorded an entire album of material (at Studio Olijud and Nackving Studios), and the first track to be released from that is called 'Americana'.
The track is based around a fairly simple premise, the feeling of being 'on the road to nowhere', and whilst described 'Damen' may have that 'classic' indie line-up, they actually do it really well, with a sharp defined guitar sound, interesting enough lyrics, a good melody, and a snippet of a big instrumental sound at the end of the song - and with the track being 5 minutes long, it's also the type of weighty release we like to get our teeth into. The combination suggests they seem to have the right ingredients to make an impression with that album, when it finally gets released.
This is 'Americana', which was released just yesterday through VÅRØ.