Finally an update to the Nordic Music Review Playlist, and it features a great selection of recent releases, including NMR favourites such as The School Book Depository, Misty Coast, Dobbeltgjenger, Phogg, This Heel (more on their new EP soon), Veps, The Sleeplings, Benedikt, Pastis, Paul Bäcklin, Kindsight, Melby, Armadillo King, Siv Jakobsen, Det Skandaløse Orkester and fabulous Icelandic band superserious, who I seem to feature every time they release a single.
We welcome back Mia Berg, Ocelot, Ellen Krauss, Dylan Mondegreen, Francis Moon, Danish 3 piece Fusia, myie, The Franklys, Resa Staffa Park, Poptones, Mud Grief, STINAKO, Bolywool, virgin orchestra, SILVA EMILIA, Alba James, Tobias Arbo, Klara Goliger, he is tall., krassaig and Hvor Er Skygge.
I know I've missed loads of good stuff, so another update next week hopefully.