So what have I missed? Well here's an interesting one from a Danish band who suggested in their notes they may have similarities with bands such as Danefae, Agent Fresco and Leprous. Now the 1st two of those bands are huge Nordic Music Review favourites so I approve of that, and thankfully Isbjörg are way more interesting than Leprous. But then again, what isn't?
They've been around for a few years now, a math rock outfit of sorts that released an album 'Iridescent' back in 2019, and since then have gone through a change in lead vocalist and a further development in sound. I read an interview with them that suggested the 6 members had a huge range of music tastes, from punk to jazz, which means statistically at least one of them must be a Cardiacs fan (own up please?), and I think you can hear the fusion of genres and ideas in their music.
'Homeward Bound' is a great example, the 3rd single release from an album that I think is due at the end of this year. In particular this works well due to the big distinctive melody that sits above all the swirling staccato rhythms and layers of guitar and piano. Of course that's something that Agent Fresco in particular used to do pretty well (what's happened to them by the way?), but the other impressive element is just the sheer weight of sound, yet all delivered in such a bright, expansive way that you can hear every note. Very listenable on repeat listens, because you'll hear different things as you delve deeper.
I was interested enough to look at the band members to see if any of them play in other projects I might be familiar with, I was even wondering if there was a Danefae connection, but I can't see anything of note, other than pianist Mathias Jørgensen obviously also playing centre back for Brentford.
Anyway I realise I've posed a few questions here, so if you know what happened to Agent Fresco, or know which Isbjörg band member likes Cardiacs, or have found anything in the world less interesting than Leprous, please get in touch at the normal address.
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