I’m tempted to feature purely Danish artists over the next couple of days to celebrate the achievement of their footballers reaching the semi-final of Euro 2020, to state the obvious cliché, it’s been a real rollercoaster. Anyway I’ll certainly start the week with a Dane new to NMR, not Klaptrap but Klaptrae, who’s just released his 2nd EP ‘Changes’.
Behind the moniker is the artist Laurits Steinberg, who’s been working on the EP producer Andreas Wilson (SOON, Will, Phlake), songwriter Cyd Williams, drummer Laurits T. Holm (Cousin, Cyd Williams), with School of X’s Malthe Beck even making a guest appearance too.
The result is thoughtful, quite raw electronic indie dream pop, with Steinberg’s vocals as persuasive as they are perfect sounding. Single ‘You Say I'm Changing' is described as “roaming in a hot desert of changeability”, which takes a little thinking about, but it’s a sensitively constructed song, with enough of a commercial edge to make it appeal more widely, yet still retaining an individuality which gets through to me.
Apparently the new EP offers a ‘nude version of himself’, which is perhaps a little bit of PR Klaptrae for you, but it‘s an interesting and well written EP for certain.
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