I wrote way more than I intended yesterday on A Girl in a Rat Suit, so a briefer mention today of an EP that’s come out in the last couple of weeks from an artist that regular readers should remember. Rami Vierula is a songwriter that I’ve probably featured as much as anyone, firstly through his exploits with the exceptional Delay Trees, his lovely 23:23 project and as a solo artist, where he writes music in his native Finnish language.
Rami seems to write music now at his own pace, when it suits him and without worrying too much about publicity and deadlines. His Spotify profile suggests a new album is in the making, which is nice news if that’s up to date, and no doubt it will arrive with the least of fanfares - that’s just his way.
Actually from the opening of 'Kuiskauksen päässä' (‘A Whisper Away’) you‘ll get that idea, laid back, soft, understated melodies, but there’s so much warmth in the vocals. 'Lämpöaaltoon' has the most gorgeous melody and is even more sedate, before an instrumental takes over at a slightly quicker pace, and for a moment I can hear a hint of Delay Trees - they did those blissful instrumentals sections so well. 'Parhain pimeä', after a long ambient instrumental opens up with a really beautiful acoustic guitar and vocal melody, which is completely timeless and absorbing.
Anyway, always lovely to hear new Rami material, even if I don’t quite appreciate it as much as a non Finnish language speaker. Hopefully the album is making good progress, but it’ll be ready when it’s ready. Mind you, he can’t wait too long because I can’t help but think that 2023 would be the perfect year for a 23:23 Christmas album...