I'm a couple of weeks behind on this one, but it hardly matters given I'm almost exactly one year out of date with my Gypsy Chicken album review, something which I still plan to correct very soon.
It's a new single courtesy of my most listened to Nordic artist The School Book Depository, whom I probably only first spotted because the name stood out in my email box thanks to my obsession with all things JFK. Now Fredrik Solfors (the musician behind TSBD) has steadily built a reputation for being one of the best Swedish indie songwriters out there, and that continues with the latest single 'Corals', aided this time around by a pretty cool music video featuring dancing bears playing guitars - always a winner I feel.
Anyway the new track deals with "coming to terms with your past, who you once were and where you are going and the hope of reuniting with people lost on the way". Now that's a pretty broad subject, but of course he does it in his own whimsical, slightly self deprecating style - "now it's time to write those sappy songs I swore would never smear my catalogue", as he explains in the opening line.
Muscall it's all written in that upbeat, melodic indie pop style we've come to know from Solfors, always highly engaging and easy on the year. And I can't listen to any track without treating myself to a whole selection of 'classics' from that back catalogue he mentions - 'A Layman's Guide to Postmodernism', 'Airport Aprons', and 'Hey Instigator' (inspired by the delusional tangerine-faced narcissist himself), being amongst my current favourites.
Anyway did I mention there were dancing bears?
The one thing that's missing from the The School Book Depository is a Christmas / Festive song I can add to my Yuletide Playlist - but there's still time, it's only November, so I'm guessing we might be offered one more single before the end of the year.
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