We featured a good selection of brand new releases yesterday, but there’s still a fair few more to keep us going for the next few days, and Icelandic based musician and producer ZÖE has certainly made an Impression with her latest track ‘Feed the Wolves’.
She was actually born in Los Angeles, but she seems pretty embedded into the Reykjavik music scene now, and that’s demonstrated on hew new single, where she’s gathered together a collection of some pretty experienced Icelandic musicians to play alongside her, notably percussionist /drummer Gulli Briem and pianist Eythor Gunnarsson – otherwise known for being part of the influential jazz funk outfit ‘Mezzoforte’.
Anyway ZÖE has released a series of tracks since 2018, with the stand out song for me being ‘Let Me Fall’. But actually I think ‘Feed the Wolves’ raises the bar, balancing an obviously accessible style with a darkness and cinematic soundscape which certainly makes it more interesting for me, and encourages multiples listens. Vocally it’s smoky and enticing in the opening, but opens up to show her range, and it‘s accompanied by beguiling rhythms and has big melodic themes too.
Take a listen.
Pretty good right, and if you do like it, well the good news is that an album is on the way.