So following on for 'The Presolar Sands', we switch back to Denmark and a band that we've mentioned a few times on here and on Social Media, but we've never actually formally written about. 'Baby In Vain' are a 3 piece band who've been around for a few years, and have made a big impression with a stream of good releases, including their excellent album 'More Nothing' which was released last August - we pointed people in its direction as a recommendation before we headed off for annual holidays.
Anyway today sees the latest instalment of the 'Live at Tapetown', which previously has seen us feature 'Hater' amongst others, and this is a really good performance by 'Baby in Vain'. The chosen track is 'One Feather', which is a relatively stripped back song for them to do, but I love the detail here - firstly the lyrics are dark and great (''Maybe some day life will tell us why the hell it's so malicious''), and I just love the sound of the guitars about 2 minutes 10 in, and then the intense swell of sound as the song really kicks in halfway through. I think we only get to appreciate some of these subtleties through a live performance, which is why 'Live at Tapetown' always works so well for me.
So this is 'One Feather':
'Baby In Vain' have an extensive series of live dates across Europe over the next few months, and the good news is that they're coming to London with a gig at Birthdays on 17th May. Ticket links are below.
For more details on Baby in Vain, and for full tour dates visit:
London date tickets here:
And more details on Live at Tapetown here: