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  • Writer's pictureAndy Wors

'When 'Airy Met Fairy' - 'Until Your Season Dries' (single)

We'll resume from our enforced break with a long awaited introduction to a duo who've been making an impression for a fair while, and are just at the point of now releasing their debut album. 'When 'Airy Met Fairy' are from Iceland, and if truth be told I can't quite remember when I first came across them - it could have been when they played at The Great Escape, or it might have been at Airwaves, but certainly their name has appeared quite frequently over the last 3 years since the duo (consisting of Icelander Thorunn Egilsdottirand and Luxembourger Mike Koster) got together.

Interestingly it was one of my favourite artists Bardi Johannsson (Bang Gang) who helped them make their first impression when he produced their debut single 'Intoxicated' 2 years ago, and they're back now with their new single 'Until Your Season Dries', a pre-release to the debut album 'Glow' which is out exactly one month today (June 22nd).

'Until Your Season Dries' is such a special song. We do tend to feature a fair few tracks that are really stripped back and personal in their outlook, but 'When 'Airy Met Fairy' takes this to a new level completely. It starts pretty much from the premise of 'nothing', and then adds the most natural vocals from Thorunn Egilsdottirand, where you can hear the precision in the intonation of the lyrics so clearly, and a meandering and quite charming melody that blossoms into a powerful climax towards the latter stages. You'll find yourself taking a huge breath at the end of the song, because you won't dare interrupt it by breathing during the track.

Take a listen and watch the video to 'Until Your Season Dries':

Along with the album coming out on June 22nd, those of us in the UK have an extra special treat as they're coming to London on June 7th to play at the Finsbury. Further details on their Facebook page.

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