We're really looking forward to getting stuck into an array of good album releases (Ida Wenøe, Melby, maybe Elvar and ViVii also if we have chance), but first we're delighted to introduce a brand new single from one of our favourite bands. 'Einar Stray Orchestra' should be familiar to regular Nordic Music Review readers having been featured a fair few times, with their 3 albums 'Dear Bigotry, 'Politricks' and 'Chiaroscuro' all being real favourites, with simply hundreds of live performances all over Europe (including Manchester), and with their close connections with other favourite Norwegian musicians and projects such as Moddi and 'Team Me'.
Anyway the latest release from the project is entitled 'Hot Salted Wind' and it has such a distinctive 'Einar Stray' sound, which just makes it stand out a mile from almost everything else we're currently listening to - as well as being sent. It opens with a dramatic musical theme, before those familiar harmonised vocals are introduced, this time with a pointed lyrical statement: 'Your mascara started running so I ran away... scared of conflict'. There is a reassuring warmth from the mix of orchestral instrumentation, the song has a positivity that makes it appealing, and the melodies (as always) are interesting and unusual.
This is 'Hot Salted Wind', which was released just last Friday:
We haven't yet established whether a new 'Einar Stray Orchestra' album is on its way, but any releases from the band are welcomed, and we'll bring you further information as soon as we have it.