We try to feature a wide array of styles and genres, and will always give time and space to 'indie' releases which may seem a little different on first listen, and Swedish producer and songwriter Björn Lindberg through his new project By Land has released a track entitled 'Half of Us' which I promise will grow on you if you give it some time.
'By Land' might fail the Nordic Music Review 'googlability test' for new bands / projects (Google just wanted me to buy land in Sweden), but Björn Lindberg is certainly a well established figure in Swedish music, having being nominated for a Swedish Grammy as a co-producer of Åkervinda’s album “Förgänglighet”, and having colloborated with some of our favourite featured Swedish bands such as Kluster and Guds Pengar, as well as Hey Elbow and Crying Day Care Choir, whom we like but just haven't quite found time to write about.
'Half of Us' opens pretty directly with attention straight on to the lyrics - ''I keep wasting every step inside a haze / 'cos I don't know where the others Iike to stay / cos they choose what I should think of or not'', with a break in the rhythm that will throw you off kilter. But as the track develops it blossoms with a chorus melody that should slowly get inside your head, and the combination of thoughtful lyrics and engaging tune creates a warm and mellow feeling inside me that makes me relate to Björn Lindberg's music and words.
This is 'Half of Us'.
You can find Björn Lindberg and 'By Land' on Facebook or Instagram, and he will follow up the release of 'Half of Us' with a new single entitled 'Drift' next Friday.